Woman of the Land – Mary, mother of The Christ

Woman of the Land

Mary, Mother of The Christ 

By Louise Draper Colln

The story is told in the first person by Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, and begins with her reminisces of a childhood experience. The reader is immediately introduced to the ever-present threat of the Roman army to Israelites as cross words are exchanged between Mary’s father and a Roman officer.

Ms. Colln rapidly walks us through the daily life of women and children during the period and takes us to the surprising reaction of Mary’s parents to the announcement her carrying the child of God. Disbelief in a virgin conception leads to fear of stoning for the sin of adultery. And what would be the reaction of her betrothed, Joseph?

The trek to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus is documented through the eyes of Mary. We see her amazement at the royal visitors from the East as well as shepherds from the fields who come to see the newborn King. This is followed by the journey to Egypt to escape King Herod’s slaughter of infants. Upon their return to Nazareth we see the pride Mary possess as she watcher her son become a man and will become the King of the Israelites.

Mary’s pride becomes mixed with confusion as she misunderstands the nature of his kingdom. It comes first with the miracle of turning water to wine and Jesus’ stern response to her request, “My time has not yet come”. Only upon His death on the cross does she come to realize the mission of the Son of God was to be the Lamb of God, sacrificed for the sins of all men.

While recounting many of the stories of the life of Christ that are found in the Gospels, Ms. Colln does so in a manner that gives the stories life as though hearing them from a actual witness to the events.


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