Inside The Writer’s Mind

What You Always Wanted To Ask…
Readers often ask me literary questions that have nothing to do with my own novels or short stories. I thought it might be fun to share some of these questions and my answers with you.

Q One of My Favorite Questions:
“If you could travel to any fictional book world, where would you go and what would you do there?”

AFor Me, The Answer Would be,
“The Great Gatsby.”

The Roaring Twenties, and they really did roar. Big mansions on Long Island, some of the most beautiful cars ever made. True it was during alcohol’s prohibition. However it seems more people drank alcohol during prohibition than before the law was enacted. Like Nick, the narrator, I would be enamored with Jordan Baker. What a name for a woman in the 20s! A professional golfer who won her first tournament by cheating, what a girl!

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